Wedding hall photo decorations that you haven’t seen before! 7 inspirations form Colorland
by Anna, 02 Mar 2020
Every Happy Couple wishes to reflect their characters and taste in the wedding hall decorations. Therefore, while preparing (photo)decorations it is worth personalising them a bit, so they not only please the eye of your guests but also provide them with additional entertainment. How to do it? Check our inspirations and find out!
1. The Happy Couple’s love story on one photo canvas
It all depends on the extent to which the newly-weds would like to share their story with the guests. We would like to show you though, that only three photos can be enough to clue your wedding guests in to your love story. How to do it? Design a Photo Canvas with your photos on it – the first photo should present the beginnings of your relationship, e.g. when you just met; the second can be a photo from your engagement, and the third photo can be the one taken just before you get married, e.g. from your pre-wedding photo session. Of course, every photo should be captioned with an approximate date, so your guests could go back in time with you :)
2. The newly-weds’ love story in the form of photo exposition on easels
If you have more than one easel available, we recommend preparing a photo display presenting your love story on a few photo canvases. The idea behind it is quite similar to inspiration no. 1 but instead of creating only one photo canvas, let every photo be a separate canvas. Remember, that dates, that we can put under the photos, may be added already in the online editor, at the designing stage. Yet if you don’t want to do that, you can always add such information after, by e.g. sticking a decorative piece of paper to the easel. The choice is yours. Thanks to this wedding photo decoration, you not only share a piece of your story with your loved ones, but also gain a mini photo display with your own pictures, which can be kept as a home decoration after the wedding!
3. The newly-weds’ photo display in a wooden frame
If you don’t want to create a photo display on canvases but you still want to share your precious moments with your wedding guests, take a punt at photo prints! They may be insta photos, retro prints, but also traditional classic prints, which, with the use of a hemp string and colourful clips, may be attached to a wooden photo frame. This is decidedly less expensive than using the photo canvases, yet still an enthralling way to share your love story! What is more, you can easily add comments and caption the pictures with the use of sticky notes.
Such a frame, similarly to the photo canvases, can be placed either next to the entrance of the wedding hall, to take your guests into your world immediately after entering the room, or in any other honourable place – the important thing here is to leave enough space around it to accommodate a couple of people, since such a decoration will definitely be really popular with your guests!
The suggestion presented above is an option for those who like the rustic style. Yet, if both of you lean towards the romantic style, we recommend decorating the wooden frame with a light ribbon and placing led lights around it. Such a photo decoration, although very similar, creates a totally different impression.
4. The Guestbook in the form of a Photo Canvas with your guests’ photos – version 1.0
Another photo decoration that will be an unforgettable wedding keepsake for the groom and the bride is a Guestbook in the form of a Photo Canvas, with the final effect depending only on the guests and their involvement! Let them show their resourcefulness and create a Photo Canvas full of memories. Firstly, while designing such a Canvas in the Colorland’s editor, you need to place your photo in the middle of the canvas, caption it with the date of your wedding and your names. Secondly, add your guests’ photos all around it. Then, during the reception, ask your guests to write a few words next to their photo – those can be wishes or, for example, memories they have, connected with the photo itself. Such an attraction will definitely attract and involve all your guests, since it will definitely take pride of place in your house and will please your eyes every day!
PS. Don’t forget about colourful marker pens – you can attach them to the easel with a string or put them in the basket nearby! :)
Another variant form of the Wedding Guestbook yet equally original? Photo Prints on a string – DIY version! To create such a decoration you’ll need only two wooden slats, a string or a decorative ribbon and mini-paper clips. The guests photos, instead of putting them on a Photo Canvas, should be developed – regular Classic Prints, Insta or Retro Prints. Your guests will be able to add their comments and wishes on the prints’ back.
5. The Guestbook in the form of a Photo Canvas – version 2.0
That’s true, the ideas presented above (inspiration no. 4) can be quite time-consuming. Additionally, they will only work well with small weddings, when we don’t invite too many guests. It’s difficult to have access to all our guests’ photos and it would be bad manners to omit somebody. Therefore, the idea below is an alternative! It’s a Photo Canvas with only your photo in the middle and blank space all around it that ought to be left for your guests’ creativity! This version will be much easier to prepare, is definitely safer when it comes to omitting some of your guests and does not put any pressure on anybody ;)
6. A photo-corner full of memories
Another attraction that you can provide your wedding guests with is a photo-corner full of memories, that might be more popular with the older guests in particular. It may turn out to be quite a sentimental journey for them. Place the photos of you parents’ or even your grandparents’ weddings together with the photos from your childhood on a separate table. You may add photos with your childhood friends, your loved ones. Those, who will be able to find themselves on the photos, will be definitely touched. Such occasions as weddings are good moments to look back to all the moments spent together ;)
7. Place cards with your guests’ photos
The last inspiration we’d like to share with you are photo-place cards. Instead of the regular place cards with names, choose the photo-cards instead (our Insta Photos will be perfect here) or a 2 in 1 option – your guests’ photos captioned with their names printed using our Retro Prints. Regardless of what you choose, the photos then should be placed on little holders with a clip and put next to the plates where you want your guests to be seated.
We hope we’ve managed to inspire you with our wedding photo-ideas! As you can see, it all depends on you and your creativity! Remember, your wedding day is your big day, so try to get things done exactly how you want them to be!
The best offers for our wedding photo-products and many other wedding inspirations can be found here – you can’t miss it!
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