How to pack gifts? 6 tricks and a news in Colorland – decorative gift
by Julia, 09 Nov 2017
Christmas is coming and with it – gifts! Remember that, no matter what you give to your loved one, packing is very important. A well packed gift is the half-way to success. And today, we’ll tell you how to pack your gifts well and good looking?
1. Always pack your gifts using hard surface
If you’re packing your gift with paper, always do it on hard Surface. A carpet or bed are now are good idea, because you can easily fold the paper. It won’t look nice at all.
2. One-sided tape vs. Two-sided tape
It is very common to use one-sided tape to pack gifts, because it’s a must-have in almost every house. Obviously, that’s a practical and quick solution, but not actually elegant. That’s why it’s worth considering to use two-sided tape. Using this tape, you’ll make your gifts look professional and elegant. With a little bit of effort, the tape won’t be visible!
3. Decorative paper – not necessarily from a shop
Most of use decorative paper bought in a paper shop or hypermarket. Sometimes it’s worth thinking about alternative solutions to make our gifts more original and unique. A gift can be packet, for example, with an old nice-themed scarf, tied with a nice bow. Even packed in grey-paper, old map, newspaper or a shopping bag from a near shop, your gifts will look amazing when you activate your creativity. There’re lots of interesting ideas – just free your imagination!
4. Decorative ribbons alternatives
Decorative ribbons look cute on a gift and truly are the culmination of the effort that we’ve put in packing our unique gifts. Well, it’s also worth looking for original solutions! An interesting alternative for a traditional ribbon would be a piece of jute cord, which will be perfect combined with grey paper or black-white newspaper. Another alternative would be, for example, threading beads on a cord and tying a gift with them. Believe us, the final effect will be stunning!
5. DIY cards with a name
A unique card that contains the name of your loved one can be bought, but do we have to buy it? Of course not! We can prepare our cards by ourselves with a way better final effect ? All we need is some paper, but mostly willingness! Cut a card in a format that suits you and write the name of the addressee and decorate the card as you want!
6. Do not prepare your gifts at the last moment!
Never pack your gifts in the last moment. In current world, everyone is in hurry. However, haste is never a good advisor. If you’re a type of person who doesn't like packing gifts or admire simple and ready-to-use solutions, you can always buy a package and ask seller to pack your gift (some shops offer this only before Christmas).
Colorland comes to help especially these customers who don’t have enough time to prepare their amazing gifts by themselves. Since the end of November, we offer you boxes for Photo books A4 format classic and exclusive. It’s a quick solution for people who haven’t got enough time and are looking for pre-made designs. Our package is a beautifully designed box, that can be ordered as an add-on to a Photo book A4. We’ve got 3 designs in our offer: arabesque – a classic and elegant design; mosaic – colourful and universal; origami – for people who don’t like boredom. And you? Which one will you choose?
UPDATE! 22nd November 2017
Dear Customers!
From now on, in our offer, you'll find decorative boxes for Photo calendars A3. At this moment, we offer you a classic, black-white model with tiny, gold decoratives. How do you like it?
Follow our Facebook and Instagram profiles to stay tuned with new calendar boxes, that will be added to our offer soon!
And remember, that aesthetic packaging makes the first impression, so don't hesitate and order your calendar box today!?
UPDATE! 18th December 2017
Dear Customers!
Two other Calendar boxes have recently appeared in our offer - Arabesque and Origami, the same theme as for photo book boxes. Which one do you like most? Let's go shopping! :)