3 ways to make an Easter bunny – Easter table decorations with Colorland

Authored by Julia, 21 Mar 2018
Easter is coming! It's worth thinking about Easter table decorations. Due to the fact that our Christmas decorations article met with a vast interest from our audience, we decided to prepare a similar post for Easter, but beware! This time, we have came up with something truly outstanding – there would be 3, or 4, actually,…
Photography Tips

Pi Day – let's talk about Math in photography!

Authored by Julia, 14 Mar 2018
Today is PI Day - number hated by many students, somehow until this day staying mysterious - without which a vast variety of mathematical operations would give a negative outcome. It's the perfect time to talk about Math in photography and 2 key principles. Any idea what we will be talking about? Read on!

Women's day – why is it so important to celebrate this day?

Authored by Julia, 08 Mar 2018
Today is 8th March – International Women's Day or Day of Women's Rights, called differently, but celebrated in the majority of countries around the world. It is a very important holiday for women but do you know where is it originated from? Read on our latest blog!

The head of the family? An authority? A hero?

Authored by Julia, 25 Feb 2018
The head of the family? An authority? A hero? Those are first things that come to one's mind when they think about their fathers. A few days before Father's Day, we would like to summarize the history of this day and, most importantly, wish all the best to all the Fathers!

Valentine’s Day – learn about true origins of this tradition and meet Saint Valentine…

Authored by Julia, 12 Feb 2018
Do you remember our Valentine’s Day article from January where we proposed to you our photo books and photo albums as a perfect Valentine’s gift for your loved one? We hope that you have already prepared all your presents! But do you know where Valentine’s Day tradition comes from and who Saint Valentine really was? Read our…
Gifts inspirations

Perfect Valentine’s Day gift – Colorland’s Photo book! 3 different types to choose from

Authored by Julia, 22 Jan 2018
Christmas is over, however, another holiday is coming soon. Can you guess which holiday we're talking about? Yes, we're talking about Saint Valentine's Day – the day of people in love which is celebrated globally on 14th of February. On this occasion, people often give love-related gifts, as a symbol of love. Today we're like…



Gifts inspirations


Gifts inspirations


Photography Tips


Gifts inspirations

