Create your own printed portfolio
by Julia, 06 Sep 2017
Printed portfolio is the first impression and often also the last touchpoint for your potential customer. Even if you already posted your pictures and graphic design work online, you should also invest your time to prepare a printed portfolio, it will pay off. In may situations your customers need some inspirations to make a decision about the product they want to choose. Show them some of your projects, you have an unusual chance to talk to your potential customer face to face and discuss which will be the best option for him, and also it's the best opportunity to convince him!
There are many branches, where the printed portfolio may be especially important, like in the flower shop. Show the prospective bride the best wedding bouquets you have done and give her your advice, what would you suggest for her!
After finishing the university, you may have a feeling, that the traditional CV is not enough for you. Printed portfolio may be something what will rivet potential employers attention and it won't land in the recycling bin.
To create portfolio use traditional black or white templates. It should be elegant, surprising and professional. Classic and simplicity is timeless. Remember, it has to demonstrate your skills, whether you want to show your university work or ten years of experience.
Feature your best projects, choose the best pictures. Perhaps it's gonna be more like a catalogue than a book. If you are creating you cooking portfolio, add some descriptions or titles.
The simple navigation in our editor allows you to quickly jump between backgrounds you can use and change. Mix your illustrations, design and gifs in a perfectly balanced portfolio book, organize projects into galleries, showcase your projects in a favourable light.
Imagine that you are an make up artist and want to show your projects to a photographer you want to cooperate, or a photographer who wants to showcase his projects to an advertisement company. Show your best must-see projects, keep your descriptions short and concise.
No matter your concept, keep in mind that your potential customer or interviewer usually has a limited amount of time. Don't make your portfolio too complicated, avoid wide descriptions. Remember that the main goal is to keep the focus on your work.