How to take pictures in winter like a PRO? - techniques and tips, part 2
by Anna, 15 Jan 2022
Photo by on Unsplash
At the end of December, we told you about how to prepare yourself for taking pictures in winter outdoors. Today we would like to continue the subject and focus more on the technical aspects of taking such pictures. How to photograph a falling snow or ice crystals on plants? Colorland will try to find answers to these and other questions bothering enthusiasts of photography who want to take good and professional pictures.
1. Take pictures in RAW format
Unfortunately, this option is not available on all cameras, however, remember that photos in the RAW format are much easier to edit and work on than those taken in JPG format. Make sure that you will equip yourself with a bigger or an additional back up memory card because the RAW pictures are heavier than the JPG ones! :)
2. Take pictures in MANUAL mode
The snow is very bright and when you are taking pictures outdoors paradoxically you are almost guaranteed to shoot a dark, underexposed image. That is why you should never take photos of snow in AUTO nor Shutter Priority mode. Remember that the best pictures of snow are shot in Manual mode.
3. Gently overexposed winter photo = a good photo
At first glance, this tip may seem contrary to the advice no. 2. However, remember that what we perceive as a white colour, in reality, can be slightly grey or blue for a camera. Therefore, sometimes it is worth to gently overexpose photo in order to highlight the white colour of snow. It is always better to shoot a little too bright photo than a dark one – it’s easy to amend its brightness in your favourite photo editor.
Photo by Samuel Scrimshaw on Unsplash
4. Don’t take picture of snow only
Don’t take pictures of snow only – it is a good idea to put also other elements in the frame. It will add a three-dimensional feature to a photo and highlight colours. When you shoot snow only, the entire compositions will merge in one thing and the charm of a snow powder will vanish. Add some colours and tones, so the whole picture is lively and interesting. You can also think about some items in the predominant colour, for example, a red scarf.
Photo by Leila Azevedo on Unsplash
Photo by Pete Bellis on Unsplash
5. Winter is a perfect time for HDR
The pictures shot in winter lack of depth of colour, which makes the whole scene looks quite boring. This is why (often) unrealistic colours of HDR will add charm to your photos. Don’t be afraid to experiment, try to take pictures using an HDR mode and see a colossal difference. Check it out!
6. Use shades as the leading lines
Take advantage of the winter season and early starting evenings. Due to the fact that in winter it gets dark very quickly, buildings and various items throw a lot of shade which can be used as the leading lines. Think creatively and make use of what nature gives you!
Photo by Galina N on Unsplash
7. Photos of frost crystals and Macro mode
Winter is a perfect time of year to take pictures in Macro mode. The frost is everywhere, especially on plants which looks like a fairy! Don’t be afraid of Macro mode, zoom to the maximum into the selected item and enjoy a great effect.
8. Photos of falling snow
Falling snow looks beautiful, however, it is hard to capture its beauty on pictures. If we set the too slow shutter speed, falling snow will look like white strands falling from the sky. On the other hand, if the shutter speed is too fast, falling snow will be visible in the form of white dots. It is a small, however, very important detail so try to find a golden mean.
Photo by Teddy Kelley on Unsplash
We hope you liked our tips and pieces of advice. Don’t wait any longer! Winter ends soon, so you might want to capture its beauty! And after a successful photo shoot, don’t forget to print the most beautiful pictures in our photoproducts – photobooks, photo calendars, photo canvas, photo prints and many more! Also, remember that Colorland takes care of its customers by offering them the best quality at a very attractive price. Therefore, don’t forget to check out ‘special offer’ tab!
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash