Photography Tips

10 most common mistakes made by beginner photographers

Authored by Anna, 26 Jun 2018
Photography has recently become your passion and you spend more and more time holding a camera? Remember that all beginnings are difficult but, as they say, no pain, no gain. Colorland has prepared for you 10 most common mistakes made by beginners photographers. Check how to avoid all of them!

Planning your first exotic trip? Check if you are well-prepared for your summer holiday!

Authored by Julia, 12 Jun 2018
Your dream holidays are just around the corner. If you plan an exotic trip, you have to be well-prepared for any unforeseeable circumstances. How to do this? Colorland has prepared a “to-do” list you should consider before travelling to exotic places. Be sure to check if everything is ready for your trip! :)
Product tips

End of school year – have you got an idea for a school keepsake? Get inspired!

Authored by Julia, 29 May 2018
End of school year is just around the corner. It’s a really important and desired moment for both students and teachers as it’s the end of hard work during the whole school year. It’s worth celebrating and memorising it. You can create a unique keepsake. Do you know what we mean? Let yourself be inspired!
Product tips

Wedding Guest Book as a... photobook? Check how many opportunities you have!

Authored by Julia, 28 May 2018
A wedding guest book is a perfect idea to immortalize your big day and enable your guests to commemorate it. While organizing your wedding reception you have to remember that a guest book is essential. When the dust settles, you will be able to reconstruct your big day from your guests' perspective. It will give you so much…
Product tips

Which photo editor is right for you? - Colorland’s Editor! Check out which options it…

Authored by Julia, 09 Apr 2018
Photo retouching – it sounds serious, doesn’t it? However, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as it seems. We are receiving a whole bunch of questions regarding editing pictures in Colorland’s online editor. Check all its options today and be sure that you will be able to amend photos which you want to print in your books and…

Happy Easter!

Authored by Julia, 29 Mar 2018
Dearest Colorland friends and followers! May this Easter bring you hope and joy! Celebrate with a heart filled with love and peace. Have a blessed and wonderful Easter!



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Photography Tips


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