Photography Tips

10 most common mistakes made by beginner photographers

Authored by Anna, 14 Jan 2021
Photography has recently become your passion and you spend more and more time holding a camera? Remember that all beginnings are difficult but, as they say, no pain, no gain. Colorland has prepared for you 10 most common mistakes made by beginners photographers. Check how to avoid all of them!
Photography Tips

Romantic analogue photography – a new-old trend? + NEW IN! New paper types for photo…

Authored by Anna, 13 Jan 2021
Nowadays people are keeping coming back to film photography. It’s a new-old trend which is becoming more and more popular. Have you even wondered why this is happening? We’ve tried to answer this question so be sure to read our article! What’s more, we are presenting another novelty - new types of paper for Colorland’s photo…

How to say 'Merry Christmas' in different languages?

Authored by Anna, 21 Dec 2020
How many of your friends come from abroad? We meet on holiday, we sometimes work together, and often… we get married! :) When Christmas is coming, it’s worth putting some effort and checking how to say the season’s greetings in their mother tongue. It can be more precious than a gift!
Product tips

6 Ideas for a Calendar Yearbook

Authored by Anna, 16 Dec 2020
It’s easy to work with, practical and can be quickly designed. The most intuitive, when it comes to summarising the whole year, Yearbook in the form of a Photo Calendar. Is it just a collection of last year’s photos or should it have some theme?

2 original DIY ways to pack your Christmas gifts you probably don’t know!

Authored by Annalisa, 15 Dec 2020
Only a few days left until Christmas! Have you already packed your gifts? No worries! If you haven’t got a chance to buy our ready Christmas boxes with photo products, we encourage you to watch other three vlogs in which we’re presenting 2 original ways to pack your Christmas gifts you probably don’t know!

Fun Christmas Family Activities

Authored by Anna, 11 Dec 2020
Can we still play together? Sure we can! Sometimes we just lack the idea :) We’ve gone out of practice because we rarely spend whole days together without school, work, running errants. Therefore, we’ve collected a few fun Christmas games for the whole family!




Gifts inspirations


Gifts inspirations


Photography Tips
